Piper, John A

John Ambrose Piper

Free Will Baptist Cemetery, Marker #40


John was born about 1848 and died 28 Aug 1884 at the age of 36, the son of Foster and Martha Piper. Martha was Foster’s second wife. We have not found her surname. John married Eliza A Perry in a Baptist ceremony in Beaver River 4 June 1870. Eliza died one year after John, also at the age of 36, and is buried next to him in Free Will Baptist Cemetery. She is named on the same grave marker. We know of one child from their marriage, a son, Elmer, who was not yet a teenager when his parents died. He became a ward of William Stayley Porter.

More about John and his family appears in the Old Stones Family Group Sheet Index.

Please leave a comment if you have any additional information about John, particularly the surname of his mother and the circumstances of his death.


2 thoughts on “Piper, John A

  1. I have just discovered your wonderful website. I believe back in 2000 I explored an old cemetery in your area and was saddened by its condition.

    Regarding John A. and Eliza A Piper. I have done a genealogy of the Piper Family(an immense undertaking and still a work in progress. At some point I got the information that John Ambrose’ mother was Martha Ellis, a d/o a John Ellis. Unfortunately, I haven’t noted the source. There were other members of this family in the Port Maitland and Beaver River area, and most of the men were carpenters.

  2. I believe that this was my grandfather’s brother. My grandfather was Jonathan Foster Piper and married Ann Elizabeth Perry in Port Maitland or Beaver Dam. They had four sons and one daughter all of whom were born in Nova Scotia except for my father, Erastus Edward Piper, who was born in Boston after they moved to the US. My father was born in 1901 and died in Abington, Mass. in 1978. I know that after selling their house in Port Maitland that they would take “The Blue Nose” back to Port Maitland during the summer to visit relatives. I believe that their sister was Henrietta Piper. I find this information very interesting as I am the youngest of the youngest and all the others have passed.

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