Alena L Corning

Free Will Baptist Cemetery, Marker #33


Alena was born about 22 Feb 1886 and died 4 March 1887 at the age of 1 year and 10 days.

More information about Alena and her parents may be found in theĀ Old Stones Family Group Sheet Index.

Please leave a comment if you have information about Alena or her family.



2 thoughts on “Alena L Corning

    • That’s a really good question.
      We can see that Alena was only a little over a year old when she died in 1887. Her parents are Thomas H. Corning and Lois Byrne – and you notice that there are many Corning’s and quite a few Bryne’s in the 3 old historic cemeteries. The church that was in the Free Will Cemetery was torn down in 1906 as the congregation had united with other Baptists in the area and used either the Beaver River Baptist church or the Baptist Church in Port Maitland. Alena’s parents and grandparents were alive after the church was torn down, – her grand parents (Thomas and Lucy Corning) are buried in the current Port Maitland/Beaver River cemetery (Island Cemetery), but we don’t know where her parents are buried – that’s the kind of information we’d love to hear about if anyone knows where they are buried (and since they were born in 1852 and 1860 they would be very, very old if they’re still alive!)
      Researching about family history is called genealogy and can be a lot of fun, kind of like unravelling a mystery.

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