Raymond, Phebe Ann

Phebe Ann Raymond

Calvinist Baptist Cemetery, Marker #5


Phebe was possibly born 19 Sep 1849. She died 27 Jan 1857. Her grave marker says she died at the age of 8 years 10 months which would give a birth date of 27 March 1848 which is unlikely if the birth of her brother William was about 6 Oct 1847, also calculated from his age of death. The date we have used for Phebe’s birth appears in other sources. Of course, the error could be with William’s date of birth. The cause of Phebe’s death is not known.

Phebe was the daughter of Joseph Robbins and Mary (Chute) Raymond. Her mother is buried in the same cemetery and named on the same grave marker, as are a sister, Delilah, and her brother William, who both died in childhood. Three brothers who died between the ages of 19 and 32 are named on a grave marker nearby.

Phebe is a Mayflower descendant. Through her father she is descended from Mayflower passengers Isaac Allerton, John Billington, John Howland, John Tilley and Richard Warren.

More about Phebe, her parents and siblings appears in the Old Stones Family Group Sheet Index.

Please leave a comment if you have any additional information about Phebe, particularly if you can help clear up the confusion about her date of birth.

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